
Arts and Entertainment Businesses

Bachillerato en Artes en Negocios del Arte y Entretenimiento

Concentración menor en El negocio de la música

Concentración menor en El negocio del arte

Concentración menor en Gerencia de deportes

The Bachelor of Arts and Entertainment Business prepares professional leaders with the necessary skills to create and support companies and projects in the creative industries sector.

Students will integrate management strategies based on knowledge of the industry, its context, and the latest trends. They will develop decision-making skills, teamwork and creative thinking for the creation of management strategies. These skills are developed through topics relevant to the industry, including legal aspects, business models, marketing, finance, and administration. As part of the program, students will apply knowledge in areas such as sports management, the music industry, and the art business, among others. Graduates will have the opportunity to work in multiple roles in companies and organizations in the arts, entertainment, and creative industries, as well as create their own projects in these areas.

Negocios del arte y el entretenimiento


This curriculum allows the student to develop basic knowledge and skills about the industry, its trends and the different profiles that comprise it. Then, in the second and third year, the student is exposed to different areas of opportunity in the industry, such as the music, sports, and visual arts sectors. In their final year, the student integrates knowledge with more advanced areas such as business models, ethical issues, and contemporary issues affecting the art and entertainment industry.

Duration and Modality

The Bachelor of Arts in Art and Entertainment Business consists of 120 credits to be completed in 8 semesters. All courses and workshops are offered in a combination of face-to-face and hybrid modalities.


Bachelor of Arts in Arts and Entertainment Business

  • General requirements (RG): 39 credits
  • Institutional Requirements (IR): 27 credits
  • Concentration Requirements (RC): 39 credits
  • Exploration (EX): 15 credits


Skills Acquired

Strengthen fundamental management skills, in areas such as finance, marketing and operations, for the development of projects and companies in the arts and entertainment sector, and in the creative industries
Facilitate the identification of business models and marketing strategies adapted to the digital and innovation environment in the industry
Promote the analysis of the latest trends in the business of art, entertainment and creative industries to be integrated into the decision-making of companies
Promote an ethical sense through the integration of inclusion, equity and diversity strategies in business management
Facilitate the incorporation of sustainability elements into the management of art and entertainment companies
Strengthen the drafting and presentation of plans, projects and/or companies aimed at diverse audiences
Promote the use of technological tools to support decision-making in art, entertainment and creative industries companies
Promote the identification of entrepreneurship and innovation opportunities in the different sectors of the arts and entertainment industry
Promote strategic decision making through the integration of organizational, financial and marketing aspects

Job Opportunities

artist manager
Executive producer
culture manager
Production assistant
talent agent
artist's assistant
talent business advisor

department contact

get in touch

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