Exercise Science and health promotion

  • Bachillerato
  • Concentración Menor en:
    • Ciencias del Ejercicio y Promoción de la Salud
    • Ciencias del Ejercicio y Promoción de la Salud/Masaje

If you are passionate about sports and believe in the health benefits of physical activity, this program is for you. The bachelor’s degree in Exercise Sciences and Health Promotion will prepare you to work in this broad professional field. Upon completion, you will have full knowledge of the physical, socio-emotional and cognitive development of children and young people, as well as the implications of your role as a teacher and as a facilitator of the teaching-learning process.


Job Opportunities

  • Maestro
  • Asesor educativo
  • Tutor
  • Coordinador de proyectos educativos


department contact

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