Universidad del Sagrado Corazón

Master of Arts in Communication in Storytelling

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The Master of Arts in Communication in Storytelling is a specialty for professionals with a bachelor's degree, or its equivalent, interested in communication and marketing. This master's degree prepares the student to undertake digital narrative projects in a hyperconnected environment and user interactivity in various media and multiple platforms.

The Master's Degree in Storytelling is the only master's degree that prepares students in depth to develop them in the art of storytelling and in the creation of strategic content within the digital ecosystem.


The curriculum of the Master's Degree in Communication Arts in Storytelling develops skills to devise, create and manage digital content projects, from writing for digital media, and research to disseminating and promoting interactivity. In addition, it prepares a communicator with knowledge of communication paradigms in a convergent digital environment.

This master's degree does not require a thesis to complete the degree, the student completes a project. It is a professional master's degree with a methodological component that encourages practice.

This master's degree belongs to the Ferré Rangel School of Communication, the most prestigious in its field in Puerto Rico.

A Diploma in Communication from Universidad del Sagrado Corazón obtains privileged recognition in the industry, based on its quality record based on its updated curriculum and focused on active learning, a highly prepared faculty and an extensive list of alumni who have left their mark. in the various disciplines of communication.

Duration and modality

The Master of Arts in Communication in Storytelling consists of 24 credits to be completed in 4 quarters. All courses are offered remotely with synchronous interactions (virtual, hybrid modality), meaning that part of the experience is asynchronous through content and tasks through the Canvas educational platform. The other part is synchronous through virtual meetings via ZOOM. The courses meet by videoconference at night (starting at 6:00 pm Puerto Rico time). Others are by arrangement and meet on previously agreed days also by videoconference.


Total courses: 8
Credits per course: 3 credits
Total credits: 24 credits

Secuential for the Specialty in Storytelling

1er Trimestre

Clave Cursos Crs. Co-requisitos
RE STT 606 Estructuras Narrativas 3
RE STT 610 Historias de Impacto 3

2do Trimestre

Clave Cursos Crs. Prerrequisitos
RE STT 616 Redacción para Internet 3 STT 606, STT 610
RE STT 710 Storytelling Visual 3 STT 606, STT 610

3er Trimestre

Clave Cursos Crs. Prerrequisitos
RE STT 715 Storytelling Sonoro 3 STT 606, STT 616, STT 710
RE STT 727 Narrativas audiovisuales 3 STT 606, STT 616, STT 710

1er Trimestre

Clave Cursos Crs. Prerrequisitos
RE STT 731 Emprendimiento 3 STT 715, STT 727
RE STT 741 Proyecto 3 STT 715, STT 727


  1. Las asignaturas deberán aprobarse en el orden que aparecen en el plan de estudio, salvo que otra secuencia sea aprobada por la unidad académica.
  2. Los estudiantes que interrumpan sus estudios por una sesión académica y sean readmitidos, se regirán por el currículo vigente a la fecha de readmisión. De no haberse obtenido el grado, la vigencia de los cursos será la establecida en el catálogo académico vigente.
  3. El estudiante repetirá todos los cursos en que obtenga una calificación de “C” o inferior.
  4. En los programas que requieran proyectos, el estudiante tendrá hasta un año académico consecutivo para completarlo. El estudiante recibirá una calificación final de Aprobado (P) o de No Aprobado (NP), según corresponda. De fracasar en el proyecto, no completará los requisitos conducentes al grado.

Looking to the Future – Job Opportunities

The Master of Arts Program in Communication in Storytelling forms professionals who can perform as:

  • Digital content specialists
  • Specialists in content marketing and digital strategist
  • media producers
  • podcast specialists
  • digital media strategists

Sagrado is the only university in Puerto Rico that offers this master's degree. Are you interested in doing a Master of Arts in Communication in Storytelling?

Applying is a quick and easy process. You just need:

  • 2.75 or higher GPA in a bachelor's or graduate degree from an accredited university
  • Credit transcription
  • updated resume


Maybeliz Márquez Sánchez

Coordinadora de Servicios Integrados Programa Graduado
787-728-1515, ext. 5274

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