Diseno escenico titulo

Minor concentration in Scenic Design

Minor Concentration

Scenic design displays visual images, creates physical spaces, and translates theatrical literature. Analyze text, music, and historical forms. Scenic design is part of visual production creating settings and backdrops for theater, movies, parades, concerts, pop-up art and television installations.

This minor concentration in scenic design provides an understanding of the process and practice of design, visualization, and construction for stage production. The design projects will be worked on in collaboration with the Theater, Dance, Music and Visual Arts programs.

diseno escenico

program experiences

Participation in activities related to Theater, Dance, Music and Visual Arts
Collaboration with real projects as part of the courses

Job Opportunities

ephemeral architecture designer
Art director

department contact

get in touch

For more information about the Minor Concentration in Scenic Design, fill in these spaces.

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