Production of News for Radio and Television

  • Concentración menor en Producción de Noticias para Radio y Televisión

The minor concentration of news production for radio and television brings together the courses that insert the student body in the writing, production and presentation of news for audiovisual media. The student body will have the theoretical and practical academic preparation for the development of news in media such as radio and television. The mission of this minor degree is to train students to be able to report in front of cameras and microphones, produce, direct, and understand the impact of technology on the development of media narratives. The smaller concentration will have as a laboratory the Teleradio Unit (SagradoTV, Radio Activa and Radiorama) of the Ferré Rangel School of Communication of the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón.


Job Opportunities

  • Ancla de noticias
  • Productor/a de noticiario
  • Director/a de noticias
  • Creador/a de contenidos noticiosos para radio y televisión


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