
  • Bachelor Degree
  • Minor Concentration

Studying and understanding human knowledge, behavior and relationships transforms the way we see the world. The questions about how we learn, how we act, how and what we feel are answered when we study the psychological foundations of the human mind. Many times, the conflicts that are generated as a result of the social and personal experiences of an individual have to be attended by professionals who exercise this vocation.

The bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Universidad de Sagrado Corazón will provide you with general knowledge in the study of human behavior, learning, and emotions. In addition, it will offer you the opportunity to develop the skills and attitudes that will enable you to understand human behavior and continue graduate studies in specialized and related areas.


Job Opportunities

  • Educational, vocational and career counselor
  • Investigator
  • Research assistant
  • Collaborator in community processes
  • Group process facilitator
  • Community Development Educator


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