School of Health and Sciences


Take care of our present.

the future
of health.

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Academic Programs

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The School of Health and Sciences prepares students to respond to the demand for science and health professionals, with an emphasis on research activities and community service. Our programs are designed from a holistic perspective, starting from prevention to care and attention.

The School of Health and Sciences seeks to train professionals in the natural, social, and health sciences with an interdisciplinary awareness that contributes to the achievement of personal and collective well-being. The School is a space that fosters a visionary generation and community transformation through scientific rigor aimed at innovative actions that promote comprehensive health and human rights of people.

The School of Health and Sciences (ESC) will train students with a comprehensive and critical vision in science, health and social justice. Scientific evidence, ethical principles and the development of an entrepreneurial attitude will be the focus of the disciplines that make up our School. Our students will develop ethical values, solidarity and social justice within their professional practice. The result of the ESC's efforts will be the training of professionals who provide quality services to Puerto Rican society, based on a holistic, compassionate, supportive, preventive and human accompaniment approach.

The Biomedical Sciences curriculum allows you to complete the entry requirements for schools of medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy, among others. The Chemistry program prepares students with the requirements to take the chemist's license from the Government of Puerto Rico. Additionally, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. These programs have modern facilities, equipment, and instruments in the General Biology, Zoology, Microbiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Instrumental Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and General Physics laboratories. The Nursing program has a Simulations and Skills Laboratory, the latter considered among the most advanced in the Caribbean.

  1. Compassion
  2. Scientific Rigor
  3. Interdisciplinary Solidarity
  4. Holistic, preventive and comprehensive practice
  5. Wellness and Comprehensive Care

The School of Health and Sciences has seven bachelor's degrees and one master's degree focused on basic sciences, health and well-being, behavioral sciences, and social sciences.

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences
Allows completion of basic science entrance requirements for admission to professional schools (medicine, dental medicine, pharmacy, among others).

Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry
Prepares with the requirements to take and successfully pass the Puerto Rico Government chemistry license.

Bachelor of Science in Biology
It gives a general overview of plant and animal diversity and prepares you to pursue post-graduate studies.

These programs have modern facilities, equipment, and instruments in the General Biology, Zoology, Microbiology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Instrumental Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and General Physics laboratories.

Baccalaureate and an Associate Degree in Nursing Sciences accredited by the “Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education”. This program has a Simulations and Skills Laboratory, the latter considered among the most advanced in the Caribbean.

Unique bachelor's degree in Exercise Sciences and Health Promotion that offers the necessary requirements to continue with our Master's Degree in Physical Performance and Health Promotion.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology that offers within its sequential a practice within the discipline as a concentration requirement.

Bachelor of Arts in Social Work accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSW) that promotes active work under equal conditions and a more just society.

escuela de salud y ciencias

Our commitment is to educate our students to investigate, prevent and intervene in social problems in a collaborative way, taking into account the context and from a critical and informed perspective.

Many of our graduates currently practice professions as doctors, nurses, researchers, psychologists, educators, biotechnologists, among others.

Academic Programs

  • Todos
The bachelor's degree in Biology at Sagrado will prepare you in areas such as genetics, ecology, zoology, botany, among others.
Biomedical sciences
The Biomedical Sciences program allows you to obtain an education that combines science and technology with...
From the scientist in charge of evaluating the impact of substances on the environment to the pharmacist who develops...
Consorcio entre la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón y Notre Dame
Consortium between the University of the Sacred Heart and Notre Dame of Maryland University
Consortium between the University of the Sacred Heart and Notre Dame of Maryland University
Exercise Science and health promotion
If you are passionate about sports and believe in the health benefits of physical activity, this program is for you.
Ciencias del Ejercicio y Actividad Física como Medicina
Master of Science in Physical Performance and Health Promotion
The Master of Science in Physical Performance trains professionals to design interventions that promote physical activity and prevent disease.
Estudia Pre-médica en Sagrado
Minor Concentration in Pre-Medical
This minor degree is designed for students with an interest in a future career in medicine.
Pre Farmacia en Sagrado
Minor Concentration in Pre-Pharmacy
This minor degree is designed for students with an interest in a future career in pharmacy.
Pre Veterinaria
Minor Concentration in Pre-Veterinary
This minor degree is designed for students with an interest in a future career in veterinary medicine.
Minor Concentration on Human Diversity and Oppression
The Social Work Program is anchored in the firm conviction that the achievement of a fair, democratic and participatory society requires solidarity and respect for all human beings.
The bachelor's degree in Psychology offers comprehensive training in human behavior and preparation for graduate studies in Puerto Rico and the United States.
Social work
Sagrado's Social Work Program promotes a just society through the commitment of its professionals to human rights.

minor concentrations

According to the new curricular structure, students have between 12 to 27 credits in Exploration, depending on their major concentration. This allows them to do a second concentration, do 1 or 2 minor concentrations in the area of ​​interest or take the courses that interest them in an exploratory way.

Faculty of the School of Health and Sciences

Amelisse de Jesus Davila, Ph.D.

Professor | Social Work Program Coordinator

Ana V. Santiago Sierra, M.S.N.

Assistant Professor

Bianca N. Valdés Fernández, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Health and Sciences , Assistant Professor

Frances Ponte Sánchez, M.S.N.


Francisco Arencibia-Albite, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Jelitza Soto Roman, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

John Olmo Soto, Ph.D.


Lourdes Ramos Ramos, M.S.N.

Associate Professor

Luz Migdalia Vélez Rodríguez, Ph.D.


María Judith Colón, DNP

Director of the Nursing Program, Assistant Professor

Maribel Rodríguez Pérez, RN., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Nursing Program

Marlene J. Colón Torres, PhD

Creative Industries Academic Leader

Nadjah L. Negrón Cartagena, Ph.D.

Assistant Vice President, Academic Excellence | Assistant Professor

Nancy Green Laureano, M.S.N.

Associate Professor

Noemi Soto Nieves, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Nurys Pacheco, M.S.N.

Assistant Professor

Reynaldo Soler Lopez

Assistant Professor

Teresa Gracia Agenjo, Ph.D.


Vionette Sánchez González, PhD, MSN, RN

Assistant Professor

Wanda Liz Díaz Merced, Ph.D.



Dean of the School

Dra. Bianca N. Valdés Fernández
Dean of the School of Health and Sciences
787-728-1515 ext. 5221

School Contacts

Maylei Rodríguez Morales

Academic Manager
787-728-1515, ext. 5229

Sonia Hernandez
Dra. Sonia Hernandez

Senior Coordinator
of Biology Laboratories
787-728-1515, ext. 5225

Gabriel Martínez
Gabriel Martínez Zayas

Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator
787-728-1515, ext. 5224

  • zoology laboratory
    • In the laboratory experiences of zoology and botany are made
    • Personal collection of stuffed animals of our expert in zoology and botany Prof. Francisco Ferrer
  • Cellular and molecular biology laboratory
    • High-tech equipment, inverted phase-contrast microscopes to which cameras or televisions/video projectors are attached
    • Biological sample freezing equipment
    • Cell slicer equipment
    • High-precision balances, extractors, autoclave to sterilize equipment, computers, etc.
  • Microbiology Laboratory
    • Culture of microorganisms
    • Here research is done to monitor contamination of the Caño Martín Peña
    • Several bacteria and other microorganisms have been identified in the waters of the Caño, which cause different diseases and show evidence of sewage discharges.
  • biotechnology laboratory
    • High-tech equipment, electronic microscopes to which cameras or televisions/video projectors are connected
    • sterile cell culture room
  • General Physics and Physical Sciences Laboratory
  • General Chemistry Laboratory
  • organic chemistry laboratory
  • Instrumental Chemistry Lab – our first undergraduate research project lab
  • Biology Learning Resource Center (CRAB):
    • Laboratories equipped with modern technological equipment
    • Three laboratories, two classrooms and a room of living organisms used in the laboratories (plants)
  • Nursing laboratory:
    • Latest technology, high-fidelity simulators with functions such as breathing, pulse, expressing pain, etc.
    • calving simulator
    • All resources like in a hospital
    • Computerized medicine dispensing cart


  • Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education Accreditation

Social work

  • Council on Social Work Education Accreditation

student associations

  • American Chemical Society (ACS)
  • American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
  • Nursing Student Association
  • Association of Social Work Students (AETS)
  • Association of Women in Sciences Students (AEMC)
  • Pre-Veterinary Association
  • Microbiology Student Chapter
  • Medlife Sagrado
  • Society of Biology

Student achievements, success stories and graduates

  • Fernando Gonzáles: (Chemistry) PhD Analytical Chemistry UPR currently works at the Food and Drug Administration in Post Doctorate
  • Juan Santana: (Chemistry) PhD Theoretical Physical Chemistry from UPR; did Post Doctorate in Germany
  • Richard Kinch: (Chemistry) is currently completing his PhD and has a Master of Science in Chemistry from UPR
  • Miosotys Vega: (Chemistry) is a licensed pharmacist
  • Cynthia Pérez: (Mathematics) PhD, Professor of Epidemiology at the Graduate School of Public Health of the Medical Sciences Campus
  • Zaida Gracia (Mathematics) Assistant to the Academic Dean for Central and South American projects, and Director of Special Projects, Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering, Texas Tech University
  • Damaris Torres: (Mathematics) Biostatistics and clinical researcher
  • Arturo Geigel: (mathematics) He has worked in the security field for the last 15 years and in computer forensics for the last 9 years. He has provided advice to the Chief Information Officer at the OGP
  • Alfredo Casta: (Computer Science) President of Cascades Technologies, based in Virginia. He did his Master's degree at George Washington University. He is a contractor for different agencies of the federal government, including the Dept. of Labor and the Dept. defense. He has visited Sagrado on several occasions to give talks to our students to encourage them to reach their goals. He was a Distinguished Alumnus of Sagrado in 2009.
  • Michael Jiménez: (Computer Science) President of Assertus; currently his company awarded six scholarships to Sagrado Computer Science students. Michael started his billing business with a project for Prof. Doribel Rodriguez. From there he founded his first billing company that he eventually sold to EVERTEC to later found Assertus, together with another former student of the Department of Business Administration, José Lázaro.
  • Fabio Rodríguez: (Computer Science) He is the Senior Director of Database Business Development for the Oracle division in Latin America. He visited Sagrado last year to speak to Computer Science students about his career and also about Oracle.
  • Nelson Tavera: (Computer Science) President of Dataworks Consulting Group, consultant for the PR government and private companies. He visited Sagrado to talk to Computer Science students about his career.
  • José Pérez Bobadilla and Denisse Vadell: (Computer Science) Marriage, both former students, owners of SDT Advanced Training Systems; José is a part-time professor at Sagrado in the area of Networks and Computer Architecture. They specialize in computer education for companies in and outside of PR, and in online education.
  • Jorge Nazario: (Computer Science) Founder and CEO of CEG Soft, a software development company for contributions. He has a Master of Business Administration from Tulane University.
  • Manuel Guzmán Serrano: (Biology), Clinical Cardiologist and Professor, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences Campus, UPR
  • Inea García (General Natural Sciences with minor in Chemistry); Master in Molecular Biotechnology; is a microbiologist at Eqlab
  • Melvin Hernández: (Biology) dentist
  • Giancarlo Canales: (Computers) works at Leidos (federal government contractors in the areas of health, national security and engineering) as a research scientist/engineer, his research area is security and cryptography, in Virginia
  • Gonzalo V. Gonzalez-Stawinski, MD: Cardiothoracic Surgeon at Baylor University College of Medicine
  • Andrés Colón Pérez (Computers) worked in the Office of Management and Budget. In the Office of the CIO of the executive branch and in the legislative branch. He currently works at the S. Digital Service at the White House.
  • María Fernanda Montiel: (Biology), completed her PhD, has stood out as a researcher in the area of biochemistry

Other student achievements

  • Leilani Lotti has conducted research and presentations sponsored by the American Chemical Society during the summer of 2015 in Hannover, Germany; in the summer of 2014 he did research at the University of Massachusetts; in the summer of 2016 he did research at the University of Oregon
  • Adolfo Rodríguez, Boston, Chile, Ohio, Texas, Chile, California: different investigations and presentations on identification and monitoring of desert species, mangrove ecosystems, chemistry, among others
  • Several students have participated in research on topics such as wind energy and health and nutrition sciences at Texas Tech University in the summers of 2013, 2014 and 2015.
  • Several students have participated in research opportunities at the Río Piedras Campus and at the UPR Medical Sciences Campus
  • Students Michael Rivera and Joseph Guevara participated in research projects in Biotechnology at Mass Bay Community College in 2012-13.
  • The students Krystel Ocasio, Leilani Lotti and Yaileen García presented the research project: Empirical Model of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) using Scilab; in the 2016 Efienergetic Fair Competition sponsored by the Senate of PR and C3Tec, moving on to the final phase of the competition, whose award ceremony is on April 22, 2016 at the Capitol.
  • Several students have presented their research papers in forums such as the Annual Convention of the Puerto Rico Water and Environment Association (PRWEA) 2014 (May 2014) and the Junior Technical Meeting (annually).
  • A group of students presented the investigation of the Caño Martín Peña at the Ninth Symposium Frontiers on Environmental Microbiology at the University of Turabo; they also presented on April 14 at the Planeta Digital Fair organized by Mrs. Ada Monzón in Plaza Las Américas

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