Theology and Leadership for social action


The program in Theology and Leadership for Social Action develops caring leaders who are committed and capable of liberatingly creating and transforming pastoral practices or practices of governance and social management honestly and focused on the pursuit of the common good. Students are provided with a theoretical and practical education in both the theological-spiritual and pastoral areas that includes volunteer social leadership experiences and training in community management.

This Program has the responsibility of contributing to the improvement of the quality of ecclesial management and of Puerto Rican society in general through significant supportive leadership, which creatively contributes to the promotion of values, human advancement, and social transformation in public or private institutions of service, as well as in social groups, community initiatives and the ecclesial sphere.

voluntarios accion social


The curriculum of the Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Leadership for Social Action prepares students with theological knowledge and pastoral skills that will enable them to assume solidarity leadership in society and their profession, successfully carry out graduate studies, and function as a responsible citizen. honest, compassionate, creative and enterprising. The program offers a theoretical and practical education in both the theological-spiritual and pastoral areas that includes volunteer social leadership experiences and training in community management.

Duration and Modality

The Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Leadership for Social Action consists of 120 credits to be completed in 4 years. The courses and workshops are offered in person.


General requirements (RG): 39 credits
Institutional Requirements (IR): 27 credits
Concentration Requirements (RC): 36 credits
Exploration (EX): 18 credits


Skills Acquired

Applies knowledge in systematic theology from the liberating Latin American angle, participatory pastoral care, solidarity leadership, development of integral spirituality and social entrepreneurship.
Critically analyzes the ecclesial and/or social environment for the creation and coordination of projects aimed at social reconciliation, reparation for victims, in short, the promotion of justice and peace.
Propose literature and creative writing as tools for reflection on the human condition, the development of unique perspectives, the inclusion of diverse voices, and social transformation.
Make interpersonal and social action decisions based on social insight and analysis.
Uses appropriate spiritual, ecclesiological, pastoral, and social resources for research as supporting components for social action decision-making.
It integrates new trends in the area of comprehensive spirituality, supportive leadership, participatory pastoral care and social entrepreneurship in the process of planning social and pastoral action.

Job Opportunities

Coordinator of pastoral projects in educational institutions
Coordinator of social projects in non-profit organizations
Community Initiative and Faith-Based Project Coordinator
Social and community manager
spiritual adviser
Educator on issues of solidarity, justice and peace
Teacher of Religion or related branches
Graduate studies in Theology both in Puerto Rico and abroad

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